Course syllabus
Course name: Programming in C
duration: 60 hours (1 month)
Chapter 1: Introduction to C
- What is C?
- Sample program
- C preprocessor
- Components of a C program
- Data types
- Variables
- Identifiers and keywords.
- Declaration and initialization
- Expression
- Statement and symbolic constants
- Compiling and executing a c program.
Chapter 2: operators and expressions
- Arithmetic
- Unary
- Relational
- Logical
- Bit-wise
- Assignment
- Conditional
- Increment and decrement operator
Chapter 3: control statements
- If
- If-else
- Loops:
- While
- Do-while
- For loop
- Nested loops
- Infinite loop
- Switch statement
- Break and continue
Chapter 4: storage types
- Auto
- Static
- Extern
- Register
Chapter 5: arrays
- What are arrays?
- Defining and processing
- Passing arrays to a function.
- Two dimensional arrays.
Chapter 6:� functions
- What is a function?
- Function declaration
- Defining and accessing
- Passing values between function
- Call by value and call by reference
- Function prototype
- Recursion
- Library functions and static function.
Chapter 7: pointers
- What is pointer?
- Declaration and initialization of pointers
- Passing pointers to a function
- Operations on pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointers and arrays
Chapter 8: structure
- What is structure?
- Declaring a structure
- Accessing structure elements
- Array of structure
- Union.
Chapter 9: file structure and file handling
- Definition
- File operation
- Storing
- Retrieving
- Copying
- Delete
- Update a text file and binary file
S.No |
Exam |
% of mark to Certify |
Timing (in minutes) |
1 | C Programming - C Program | 50 | 50 |
2 | C Programming @ CC - C-KIT | 50 | 45 |
3 | C Programming Mock_test - C_mock1 | 50 | 40 |
4 | C Programming Assessment - CA01 | 50 | 40 |